Thursday, August 25, 2011


So I finally caved in and made a blog for our life. It will probably be short and empty since we don't do well at documenting and for that matter, we really don't do much. :-) But here it goes. I thought since we have just moved to Nephi it might be a good time to start to keep family further away up-to-date. Hopefully in the next few weeks we will have gotten the house we want and can start posting all of the cool updates we want to do and that will give us something exciting to show. Crossing our fingers!


  1. I miss you already...Tristan's fish died today.:( Luckily Annika's fish and Micah's fish are still alive. My mom brought us a fish bowl so hopefully they will like living here now. All of Micah's friends are at school and he was extremely bored today, he asked if Jake (your brother), could come over. It made me laugh and him cry when I told him no. :) I love you. Good Luck with everything.Love, Sam

  2. Oh no! That's the saddest thing I've heard all day!! Poor Tristan! And I think it's so funny that they all still love Jake. Even Brian's nephew loves him and he's only seen him maybe twice. lol Goofy kid. Miss you guys! Love you!
